Power of the Tongue

This part of my story is hard for me to share, because it’s something I struggle with daily; the tongue, understanding the power of my words, and the things I speak over my life and circumstances. One (mostly being my Mr. Positive Pollyanna husband) might say I am not a very positive person. However, I beg to differ, and see myself in a different light than that of a negative person, and like to better refer to myself as a realist. I like to, as I say, “call a spade a spade” and just see things for what they really are. Although this can be an admirable trait at times, it is especially important for “realists” like me, not to let yourself spiral out of control with what your current reality may seem to be, like in our case the aftermath of the car collision, and remain hopeful, especially with your words. While I am also often known for my “sweet sounding, southern curse words” such as “sugar beets, oh me oh my, lawd a mercy, etc” (which the nurses in the ER in California especially got a kick out of, calling each other over to hear “the little southern belle from Tennessee”), there are many times that much worse words, real curse words, come out of my mouth, especially amidst anger, frustration, and fear. Jokingly, I even say things to try to make up for this by using the phrase we’ve all heard, “I love Jesus, but I cuss a little.”

Photo by: Michelle Schnader Photos

Jesus says in Matthew 15:18, “But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man.” Very self explanatory, but clearly what comes out of the mouth is what is really in the heart. As much as I can get fired up and let unpleasant, harsh, and down right ugly words, flow, even”speak loosely,  jokingly saying things like mentioned above, the heart is not a joking matter, rather something that should be guarded. As hard as I “try” to use speech that is pleasing unto God, that uplifts others, that portrays His truths, I know that as long as I fill my heart and mind with the things of this world, whether it be what’s real and in front of me or not, and the less I fill it with the things from above like the Word, I will never be able to speak life giving, positive, or hopeful things. The Bible also says in ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”. So, while the reality may be that I was left in pain, with much fear of the unknown, with medical bills piling up to high heavens, and so much uncertainty that is far too much to even list, I had to be intentional with my thinking and with my words. I found myself often throughout this journey having an internal struggle, trying to remember, cling, and stand on these promises. I’m not proud to admit that there were even times in opening medical bills from many doctors that cared for us out in California that were out of our network in the emergent situation, that I would in one breath curse, and say, “$5K from one doctor!? Mother…” and the next breath remind myself truth by saying and believing, “My God shall supply all my need.”

Now, I’m not here to “preach” some name it claim it nonsense. I just pointed out that words come from the heart, and a heart in the right place, consistently looking to the Word by which to live by would never manifest “things” for one’s own, selfish reasons. I am here to say though, that I truly believe that by reciting truth over my circumstances, my finances, my pain, my fear, and my uncertainty, God has filled my heart with hope and continues to never leave me, nor forsake me, and to work all things together for my good.

Words are powerful. The words you speak over others, yourself, and your circumstances, have power. Watch your words. James explains that though “the tongue is a little member”, it boasts great things. He goes on to compare the tongue to a fire and just as a small fire can set an entire forest on fire, your tongue can defile or set your whole body on fire. People, especially in our case, little ears, are always listening. Set the example. Fill your heart with heavenly things as the Bible says in Colossians and remain hopeful in your circumstances and words, whatever your current reality may be.

Photo by: Cocoa L. Photography

I, for one, know that without the Word of God and His promises to stand on during such a time of trauma, there is no telling where I would be as I am finally, almost on the other side of this thing. I have seen first hand the power of His word flowing into my heart and out of my mouth, covering, establishing, and sustaining me through my pain and instability. While much of our life still seems to be off and uncertain as I am still in occupational therapy, in pain, and unable to return to work after this car collision, I will choose not to focus on what I don’t know, but on what I do. And that is, there is power in my words, in the Word, and that is where I will look for my answers, my strength, and my hope.

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